Ignite Change With #BeTheChange

Where passion meets
purpose, sustainable
development takes flight.


Unleashing Boundless Possibilities

Experience the power of innovation firsthand. Explore our showcase of innovative projects and witness how we’re revolutionising sustainable development. Discover the ingenious solutions that are making a real difference and inspiring change.


Charting A Path to Success

Witness the results of strategic thinking in action. Explore our success stories and see how our meticulously planned projects have transformed communities and ecosystems. Discover how effective strategies can shape a sustainable future for generations to come.


Turning Vision Into Reality

Execution is where dreams become reality. With relentless dedication and meticulous attention to detail, we bring our sustainable development projects to life.

Story About Us
We create a 360-degree, cascading change, addressing all the horizons of community development and equality.

Welcome to #BeTheChange, where passion, purpose, and sustainable development intersect. We are a dynamic team of change-makers dedicated to creating a positive impact on our planet and communities. With innovation as our compass, strategy as our roadmap, and execution as our vehicle, we are driving forward the transformation towards a sustainable future.

At #BeTheChange, we believe that change begins with a single idea. We are fueled by a shared vision of a world where environmental stewardship and social responsibility are at the forefront of every decision.

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Successful Projects

From sustainable infrastructure to community empowerment, our successful projects are driving positive change and reshaping the future of sustainable development

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People Impacted

Touching the lives of thousands, our initiatives have positively impacted communities worldwide, creating a ripple effect of sustainable transformation.

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Change Makers

With the support of our dedicated volunteers and change-makers, we are harnessing the collective power of individuals to create a sustainable future for all

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Partnership Established

We have forged strong partnerships with 15 organisations, enabling us to amplify our impact and drive collaborative solutions for sustainable development.

Building Spaces full of colors and happy faces

With the thought of creating an impact, we work with the government to develop Education Projects that supports the children in comprehensive growth. We consider the holistic development, early intervention, language and cognitive skills of the child during the early years of the child.

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Success rate
We are Executors of Innovation, where dreams take flight and extraordinary ideas come to life!
Story About Us


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The Founder of #BeTheChange
Niyati Mehta
Co-Founder of #BeTheChange
Foram Mehta
Co-Founder of #BeTheChange
Rajal Mehta